Teen Center


Our teen programs, are designed for ages 12-18, to provide meaningful experiences today so teens are ready to chase their dreams tomorrow. The Teen Center is here to provide a safe and fun environment for Pre-Teens and Teens as well as provide them with opportunities to excel in areas of character, leadership, and teamwork.

Club members, primarily based on past club behavior, who are going into 7th grade and twelve years of old can participate in the Teen Center. 

Our character and leadership programs help youth become responsible, caring citizens and acquire skills to participate the democratic process. Program participants also develop leadership skills and gain opportunities for planning, decision-making, contributing to Club and community and celebrating our national heritage.

Teens who participate in the Teen Center and the BGCSW on a regular basis have opportunities to help them achieve higher education. The BGCSW staff encourages teens to compete in the BGCSW Youth of the Year competition. This competition allows the Youth of the Year to compete at the state level for a scholarship to the University of Wyoming. For more information visit the Youth of the Year page here.  


Pre-Teens and Teens participate in Cowboy Ethics. They explore, discuss, and participate in activities for each code. 

Throughout these activities the club members talk about the code and the values of Cowboy Ethics. Allowing the conversation to start at definitions and person experiences and lead to conversations about what’s right and wrong and what they’d do in a tough situation.

1) Live each day with courage.
2) Take pride in your work.
3) Always finish what you start.
4) Do what has to be done.
5) Be tough, but fair.
6) When you make a promise, keep it.
7) Ride for the brand.
8) Talk less and say more.
9) Remember that some things
aren't for sale.
10) Know where to draw the line.
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